
2024年04月22日 15:13  点击:[]



朱政泽,博士/讲师,欢迎来到公赌船jcjc555线路专任教师。法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学(UCA) LIMOS(系统建模与优化,UMR CNRS 6158)国家重点实验室与Institut Pascal (帕斯卡研究所, UMR CNRS 6602,) 国家重点实验室联合培养博士,电子与系统专业毕业。主要研究方向移动机器人/车辆自主导航与控制(Autonomous navigation and control), 多目标规划决策。近年来,围绕智能网联式自动驾驶关键技术,参与完成4项湖北省科技支撑计划项目(对外合作类)及湖北省技术创新专项重大项目;同时在多车协同控制领域参与华为、东风等企业多项自动驾驶的横向项目。先后在Applied Soft Computing; Information Sciences; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC); IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (IFAC-CTS)等期刊和会议发表SCI/EI论文10篇,获得6项专利,同时担任Information Sciences, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Soft Computing, Kybernetes, IFAC-CTS等期刊和会议的审稿人。

电子邮件: zhengze.zhu@huat.edu.cn


智能网联汽车 (CAVs) 智慧交通 (Smart Traffic),移动机器人自主导航和控制(Autonomous navigation and control),群体决策,多目标优化。


2019-01 至 2022-07, 法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学, 电子与系统, 博士

2015-09 至 2018-06, 欢迎来到公赌船jcjc555线路, 机械工程, 硕士

2007-09 至 2011-06, 西南交通大学, 数理统计, 学士


2023-12 至今, 欢迎来到公赌船jcjc555线路, 欢迎来到公赌船jcjc555线路, 讲师

2018-07 至 2023-11, 欢迎来到公赌船jcjc555线路, 欢迎来到公赌船jcjc555线路, 助教

2019-01 至 2022-08, 法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学, Institut Pascal法国国家实验室(UMR CNRS 6602), MACCS小组

2019-01 至 2022-08, 法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学, LIMOS国家实验室(UMR CNRS 6158), ODPS小组









[1]Chen, Z. S. *, Zhu, Z., Wang, Z. J. *, & Tsang, Y. (2023). Fairness-aware large-scale collective opinion generation paradigm: A case study of evaluating blockchain adoption barriers in medical supply chain. Information Sciences, 635, 257-278.

[2]Chen, Z. S*., Zhu, Z*., Wang, X. J., Chiclana, F., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Skibniewski, M. J. (2023). Multiobjective Optimization-Based Collective Opinion Generation With Fairness Concern. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

[3]Chen, Z.S. *, Yang, L.P., Rodríguez, R.M., Zhu, Z. *, Pedrycz, W. and Skibniewski, M.J., 2022. BIM-aided large-scale group decision support: Optimization of the retrofit strategy for existing buildings. Applied Soft Computing, 131, p.109790.

[4]Zhu, Z. *, Adouane, L., et Quilliot, A. (2022). Decentralised CAVs based on micro–macro flow control (MiMaFC) strategy for multi‐intersection traffic network. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 17(3), 499-517.

[5]Zhu, Z. *, Adouane, L. and Quilliot, A., 2021. Flexible multi-unmanned ground vehicles (MUGVs) in intersection coordination based on ε-constraint probability collectives algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 5(2), pp.156-175.

[6]Zhu, Z.*, Adouane, L. and Quilliot, A., 2021, September. Hierarchical control for trajectory-based intelligent navigation in urban adjacent intersections. In 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) (pp. 948-954). IEEE.

[7]Baïou, M., Mombelli, A., Quilliot, A., Adouane, L. and Zhu, Z.*, 2021, September. Algorithms for the Safe Management of Autonomous Vehicles. In 2021 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS) (pp. 153-162). IEEE.

[8]Zhu, Z.*, Adouane, L. and Quilliot, A., 2021, October. Intelligent Traffic Based on Hybrid Control Policy of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Multiple Unsignalized Intersections. In 2021 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/IOP/SCI) (pp. 416-424). IEEE.

[9]朱政泽, 周海鹰, 付勇智, 周奎, 王思山, 龚家元, ... & 侯昆明. (2019). 基于延迟补偿的网联式自主驾驶车辆协同控制. 系统仿真学报, 31(7), 1448-1459.


[1]周海鹰,朱政泽,张友兵,周奎,龚家元,王思山,毕栋,彭强,彭彬,兰建平,付勇智,王文燕,一种车辆协作式编队行驶方法及系统,申请号: CN********1245.3,公开日期(授权):2021.03.02

[2]周海鹰,朱政泽,周奎,龚家元,王思山,毕栋,兰建平,彭强,彭彬,付勇智,王文燕,一种车辆协作式编队行驶系统,申请号: CN********1637.X,公开日期(授权):2020.11.24

[3]兰建平,周海鹰,周奎,王思山,龚家元,毕栋,彭强,程劲松,王文艳,朱政泽,付勇智,控制系统及汽车,申请号: CN********5662.8,公开日期(授权):2020.09.25

[4]龚家元,周海鹰,杨亚会,王思山,毕栋,兰建平,陈安庆,周奎,朱政泽,何超,一种基于图像处理的钢板切割规划方法,申请号: CN********2910.4,公开日期(授权):2023.07.21



